Of all the tips we have received over the years by professional players of a particular stands out: Stay at online poker patience! Everything depends on patience and this factor will decide in the end, whether you will make in your online play money or not.
It is normal that sometimes you do not get good cards for weeks, and a good poker player learns to cope. It is well known that you can lose a lot of money if you play too high above your limit. If you learn not to play with patience, you can go even faster broke.
Professional poker players are extremely patient
You will not find a professional poker player who is impatient, because poker is a game where you think the long term. Luck in poker is important, of course, to conclude a profit. But the best players know that the going in poker like the stock market: There are highs and there are lows, but if you have a good plan, it pays to remain stable and play evenly.