30 January 2011

Adjust your play to: Part 1 - The tight game

One of your most important talents as a poker player is the ability to change the tempo.
A certain style of play can be against a certain type of player most profitable, but lead to a different type to disastrous results. The successful players will be able to adapt to the specific circumstances of each individual lot in which they participate.

In short, if you are not able to adjust to the game at your table, you will lose. You can not sit with a prefabricated style of play at a table and expect you to win automatically. It does not work poker.
So how do you find the right style? Well, of course, you need to watch the table. Watch the game and watch their dynamics. The game is tight or loose?

Often it pays to play a table exactly the opposite style. If your opponents are mostly tight players, play, you should open your game and loose. If your opponent rather loose player, you will be tight and wait for the right hand.

How to adjust to tight games

Some players sit down at a tight table and then complain about the fact that they can achieve there is no easy profit. This is not true. Tight players can also make their money as loose, you just have to use other means.

Where loose players constantly put their money on the line, tight players fold too often. Their style of play forces them to play very good hands, so they have to fold most hands. You can use this to your advantage.

To beat a day, you need to know their way of thinking. TAGs hate risk. You can ihnwn often steal small pots all day.

Beginner TAGs do not extend their hand range to hit you. Even if they notice that you always raise from the button, you will not start with hands like A  to call. Instead, they will think, "At some point I get a hand, and then I will this aggressive A. .. completely exempt. "
When it finally arrived, and they play straight on with a monster, you have already stolen so many pots that you can give up that easily.

Some years ago the prevailing style was at the poker table of the tight-aggressive. Even on shorthanded tables can be found playing some aisschließlich players who play exactly as textbook DAY.

They hope that at some point a fish is on the table, which constantly increased, and they pay with their pocket aces.

Beware of the new species: the good LAG

However, this case was not. When the game was still tight, there developed a new style: loose-aggressive (LAG). Good LAGs began to exclude the TAGs by raising 20% of the hands and stole them pots before and after the flop.

One must distinguish, however, between a good and a bad LAG. Good LAGs push, push, push, if you can assume that your opponent folds. So they steal countless small pots.
If the pot is growing, they will be involved only with a good hand in the pot. Good LAGs know you have an opponent who resists can only be met with a good hand. LAGs are bad about this fine tuning is not able. You can not vote on their style large or small pots.

Good LAGs know that TAGs fold when they see a reason for it, so they try to supply to these as often as possible. They build on their lot Image and exploit it.
TAGs are often frustrated when loose players beds constantly at her table and raise. LAGs are aware of this use of their image and take the frustrated TAGs more responsive off the money as a "normal" day.

Good LAGs make consistent use of their position. You should do the same. Use this technique always against tight opponents. Take advantage of their tendency to fold and take advantage of it.

Play your position, and that aggressive. TAGs will not be able to defend. They play poker and textbook must be read so easily.
If you intend to act as LAG, you must be familiar with textbook poker. Whoever holds it is to read ridiculously easy. TAGs do not like to risk money with only a pair, so you can often get them to fold on a dangerous board.

Successful LAGs play, especially after the flop very strong. If you play many hands, you need to get on well in reading hands, because there are many difficult decisions before.
LAG is not an easy style. But he does way more fun than the whole evening to fold, and he is the right way to earn money at a table full of TAGs.