There are only a few draws, the flop have more equity than a made hand. Combo draws are so powerful that sometimes they are even favorites. In a combo draw means a draw of more than 12 outs. These Draws are so strong that they should be sharp allude to almost every flop.
Examples of Combo Draws:
- A pair of open-ended straight draw (13 outs against an over-pair)
- A pair with flush draw (14 outs)
- Gutshot straight flush draw (12 outs)
- Straight draw and flush draw (15 outs)
- The rare and precious open-ended straight flush draw
In each of these examples helps us more than a quarter of the deck to a better hand than an over-pair. Even the worst combo draws - the gutshot straight flush draw - against the over-pair has a 50-50 chance! For us, this means that we are behind even against monsters only slightly. Against average hands, we are clearly a favorite. Such hands must be played hard. For a good player it means a lot of money.
Why sharp game?
Of course, we play here at odds. After a pre-flop raise, a bet, and probably a raise on the flop we get with our top-draw more clearly the right odds.
With a 50% chance of winning, we need only a 50-50 chance to play break even over time. In fact, the odds are, however, be much better. So do not be afraid of big bets.
Moreover, if we put our money not on the flop in the middle, and on the turn or river seems a scare card, our opponents may not be more willing to invest more money.Then it becomes very difficult to get a payout. On the flop, our opponent will be more willing to give a call.
Fold Equity
When we play our combo draws very strong, we not only gain good equity on the flop.We also gain additional fold equity.
With a bet or a raise, we produce almost always fold equity. Roughly speaking, Fold equity is a variable for the probability that our opponent will fold his hand and gives up the pot.
A call obviously has no fold equity. Suppose, then, we flop a OESFD. We rely on the flop, and raises our opponents. Now we get more than the required odds to call (for a couple, we are even favorite), but instead, we go all-in.
At this time we can win the pot by one of our many we take out or by forcing the opponent to fold. How do you feel with a pair on the flop when it goes all-in? Not exactly sure, right?
So you can play tight players with draws. For them it is a situation in which they can only lose. With a call they are at best only a slight favorite, and with a fold them to give them too. This is both a call and a fold to a wrong decision for the enemy!
What, you do not believe me?
Then we see ourselves as a:
$ 1 / $ 2 NLHE 6-max, online
Effective stacks $ 200
We keep T
on the button. It is folded around to us and we will increase to $ 8th
The SB folds and BB increased $ 22 to Call.
The flop comes 7
The BB is $ 35 We are increasing at about 110th on pot size $
If our opponent has increased with over cards and now c-bed, now he has to fold now clear. Did he put a hand like 99-JJ, he now faces a difficult decision. So he goes with QQ-AA all-in, it is still 45:55 outsiders!
We brought our opponents so in a very awkward situation. Call, Fold, and here are invariably marginal plays. Our range includes mainly monsters here. It looks as if we are big pairs AA-QQ we played slow, or even sets of 77, 88, 22, or even the combo draws with 56s, and T9s J9s.
To make a profitable call against that range, also needs our opponent a monster. Possible as he has such but not why he has to fold and give up, or he pays, giving us fantastic odds of a situation that is better than a coin flip.
Our example demonstrates effective, why the push should include with the combo draw for Arsenal of each player. Combo Draws are monsters, and they have additional fold equity potential.
Play too much one must be able both made hands and good draws, because if one is only with monsters, it will be easy to calculate and rarely gets action.
If you play the other hand, monsters and draws similar daruaf increases the chance of being paid. So do not play too passive and play combo draws as the strong hands that they really are.