28 January 2011

Five Tips for Better Multi-Tabling

Why play at a table only if one knows ten to play, too? The question I always live poker professionals. Finally, multi-tabling is probably the best thing about the online game.
Well, that and that the three big "L" may miss the live poker: Slow play, lousy dealer and moody teammate. 
But I digress. If you have not play at multiple tables, you should begin soon, because if you do not, you will lose money.
A detailed analysis of the multi-tabling, see another article on this site. The following tips will, however, give a brief overview.

1) Set to "four color deck" around.

The four-color deck is perhaps the most important tool for multi-tabling heart red, spade black, cross green and Karo in it. Shall first comic on, but you get used to. 
So you can see at a glance which flush draws have been completed and what might not. Two-color decks for live poker, and old people. Go with the times.

2) Use a simple background.

With many online spaces, you have several "themes" option. When multi-tabling gimmicks to draw colorful backgrounds, and only from. 
Avoid distractions. The basic format on Poker Stars is a very good example, look like a multi-table background should.

3) Take notes.

While you can not document every hand you play, but get into the habit, and important to note the large hands. 
Your notes are stored for individual players. When you meet that player again, you can check your pace notes again. Keep your comments brief and informative. "Suckt idiot Flush on the River," "Check / raised on the flop with combi-Draw" is much better than.

Johnny Lodden, the Multi-Table Masters

4) Arrange your tables systematically.

Some players put their tables to overlap, others side by side. Find out which system is best suited for you, so you can quickly have the table in view, where action is taking place now. 
A personal tip from me to. When I was twelve or more tournaments at the same games, I rearrange the table according to the level of blind levels. 
The table with the highest levels I push up and left, the others follow descending to the lowest level right below.

5) Always sit in the same place.

Many poker sites offer the ability to pick out a particular place. The software then simply turn the table so far that you can enjoy this place. 
For experienced multi-tables This option is essential. If you look at the table even once have, although you should make split-second decisions that can have fatal consequences.
However, if you always sit in the same place, you have all the action at a glance.