One of the main differences between Limit and No Limit Hold'em is the position. In no-limit this is of far greater importance, as affecting your decision (s) your entire chip stocks can. If you lure in the No Limit your position taking advantage of someone in a trap, you may be able to win all the chips your opponent - in Limit Hold'em there are only a few extra big bets. Hoh connectors like AK, AQ or QJ lose in no limit in value since you win so although many smaller pots, but larger ones will lose. In contrast Pocket Pairs SIDN particularly valuable because you will almost always win when you hit a set on the board. Big pairs like AA and KK are always valuable, for this also means you can double frequent.
In No Limit, you must not just your cards, but also the size of the chip stacks at the table in mind. The size of the "reserves" affect the gameplay dramatically.
1. You have $ 500, - and your opponent only $ 25, - at a $ 2 / $ 4 table. They sit in the big blind with JT and your opponent is UTG, so in the first position, all-in. All other players fold. In this situation, you should fold too, because they are probably behind and will also need $ 21 - use it to possibly $ 25, - to win. Whether you call a raise or not depends also on how well your opponent plays on the flop.
2. You have $ 1000, - and your opponents as well (blinds $ 2, - / $ 4, -). You hold QQ and beds $ 20, -, your opponent goes all-in. You should fold when you are not sure that he has neither AA nor KK. If your opponent is only a stack of $ 60, -, you should call.
No-limit Texas Hold'em Top Tips
1. Do not play too many hands. In a standard game is $ 2, - / $ 4, - blinds, you should see the long term with about 20-30% of your hands to the flop. This also means that you have AJ in early, KT in middle and fold QT in late position.
2. Table selection: Only play tables where you can see a benefit to them. They want at least some weak players at the table.
3. "The opponents play: Try to play to analyze the enemy as quickly as possible who plays weak hands, who is rising quickly in aggressive game, who will make your bed on a draw, who makes big bets with weak hands, who is easy too. bluff, etc.
4. "Raise or Fold". In most cases, they must either raise or fold calls should be avoided, unless you want to ask, for example, a trap.
5. Take bets and raises serious. Especially on the turn and river is not usually bluffing.
Typical errors in the No-Limit Texas Hold'em
1. Good, but not very good hands are transferred frequently, which leads to the loss of the entire chip stack.
2. With weak hands will get called too often.
3. They play too many starting hands.
4.With the hand is raised often enough to put pressure on Drawing hands that could possibly overtake on turn or river yet.
5. To protect high bets on the flop to a marginal hand.
Fundamentals of pre- flop game
1. With high pairs (AA-QQ) and two high cards (AK, AQ), you should generally raise or re-raise, because you have a good chance of hitting the flop top pair. These cards have the potential to always have the option to double, although many beginners do not know this and therefore get out too often pre-flop.
2. Play only good hands. If you try too often to play through marginal hands, which is in the No Limit to come at a time expensive.
3. Keep your pre-flop bet at around 3-4 big blinds, so you re-raise with a strong (or even after a call) can still fold. If you sit facing a weak opponent, they can also increase by 4-6 big blinds.
4. Strong players against you should be respectful. If a strong player raises UTG, AQ could be used for a call not be good enough.
5. When weak players get into the hand, you can play looser and see the odd flop.