This is the second portion of a four-part series, the average poker player provides the necessary knowledge, from one fish at a SnG SNG Shark to be. Part 2 deals with the game at medium blinds.
In the first part we discussed how to protect your chips and at the same time as possible can double risk.
The mean blind levels start at about $ 50 / $ 100 and range up to about $ 100 / $ 200 Probably already have one or the other player is eliminated, but the board has not yet shorthanded.
Adaptation to the average blind level
If the blinds, you have to vary your play. Limp is now almost never an option. This tournament will usually limp phase to nothing.
The average stack is now about 20 BBs. to limp with 5% of your chip stack is wasted. If you want to go into a pot raise, then you or let it remain quite. The time of Limpens is over. Now you want to build your stack, with or without hand.
The game changes from early position in the transition to middle blinds barely. Play continues to be very tight. On the flop, it will pass a lot of action, making it very difficult for you without a position, since they may have to invest your whole stack.
Continue to play your strong hands aggressively and the weak fold. Think of any original moves from early position.
In middle position you are pursuing a similar strategy as in the past. Hold back the chips when you are weak, and increase if you are strong. In middle position you should not turn into a maniac, but you can expand your range of hands with every position that brings you closer to the button.
The late position is the best for poker. This is especially true for SnG, because in this position, you make your chips. This is the position where you should be creative.
Try to steal the blinds. It does not matter if you have good cards or not. In a SnG, you can not always wait for aces. The blinds increase continuously, and when you only play monsters, you've already lost so many chips when you finally get one, that even a doubling of already does not matter anymore.
Intermediate Level Blind, late position
The late position is the staple food of the SnG player. As the blinds increase now, it's time to vary the pace. You now need to collect chips. As we know, is the simplest means for stealing the blinds.
Does this mean you can now raise with any hand, since you have position? No. So what are the appropriate hands for steals?
The best candidates are hands that have good chances to be on the flop with a strong hand, if you are called. Scrap Scrap hands are so hands. Although the position is an outstanding advantage, but that does not mean you should now raise with 7-2.
See things like: What hands would you play from early position in a very passive cash-game party? This is something in the range of hands, which you now is for a raise from late position available. A hand such as 7-8's is a steal raise well suited hand such as J-2s rather not.
Your goal is to pocket the pot without a fight. Of course, you are now and will be called. Therefore, your hand on the flop should at least have a certain value.
If you get called, you play the hand so as you do so otherwise. A pre-flop raise should normally follow a continuation bet on the flop.
If you get called again, you must evaluate your hand again and consider whether you still want to turn on the fire a salvo.
Here are some examples:
Example 1
You are on the button with $ 2100. The small blind has $ 1800 and the big blind is $ 2000. The blinds are $ 50 / $ 100 It is folded to you and hold 6
You raise to $ 300, and both blinds fold.
This is the ideal case. You win the pot without a fight. They have brought both opponents to fold, so you knock yourself on the back. $ 150 for nothing.
Example 2
You have $ 2,100 on the button, the small blind has $ 1,800 and the big blind $ 2000. The blinds are at $ 50 / $ 100 It is folded to you and hold J
Elects to call you raise to $ 300, the small blind folded and the big blind.
The flop comes 7
The big blind checks, you beds $ 400 and the big blind folds.
In this example, we get called pre-flop and see how a beautiful continuation bet can win the pot. This leads us to another important point: Make sure plays like the table.
If your opponents fold to a bet at 2.5 times the BB or a c-bet equal to one third of the pot, then put exactly that much. They want to win the pot while risking as little as possible chips.
Example 3
You have $ 1400 and sit button. The SB has $ 1800 and the BB $ 2000. The blinds are at $ 75 / $ 150, it is folded to you and you hold 3
You raise all-in and fold the blinds.
This hand is different from the previous one. Here we have only $ 1,400 chips at $ 75 / $ 150, less than 10 BBs. If you have more than 10 BBs the rule of thumb, better go all-in as a small raise to be set.
With a small raise you risk 30% of your stack. If you are then raised, you can justify a mathematical Fold only rarely.
One of the basic rules of poker, is that it is better to increase even as a raise to call. Let therefore the experiments with small raises - go all-in.
At medium blinds they must pay more attention to your table image. Ask yourself how the other players at the table you see. If you raise more often, your opponents will be prepared. Some will meet your re-raises with steals.
If you notice that your opponents have noticed you often try to steal, take one or two rounds out the pace. You can make your opponent does not constantly pushed around with nowhere. At some point they will defend themselves. Play aggressively so, but controlled.