03 February 2011

Texas Hold' em: Variable game


It is very important to vary their own play to be less simple to calculate. If you ever call with weak hands, and increase steadily with strong, your opponents will remember this and so you have an advantage over.

Free Card 

If you are sitting in late position, you can embed on a draw on the flop when checked was up to you. Your opponents will probably check on the turn after that, so you can watch for free on the river (if the turn does not improve your hand). This saves you money when you make your draw and do not increase your profit if you take. At a check-raise on the flop, the situation changes, however, since you now have to invest more money to continue if you want. On the other hand, you now have more information.

Check Raise 

If they keep a good early position in hand, you can check in the hope that another player raises, so you can increase further. Do you think for example on a flop AhQs As-6h-6s. You check and your opponent also check to button that embeds. You should raise. A check-raise is used to make the call for a drawing hand, as in this case a flush draw too expensive to be profitable. You also gain the initiative over the bed and showing strength, so your opponent knows that he may start to press hard from the hand.

Semi - Bluff 

In a semi-bluff is defined as a bet with a hand that is probably not the best at the moment, but it has many outs in order to develop the best. Furthermore, at least there is the possibility that you win the pot immediately. An example: You hold J  T  in late position and the flop is K  9    two. You have a heart flush draw (9 outs) and a gut shot straight draw (4 outs). If it is checked to you, you should contact with such a strong draw. Without top pair, it will be hard to call your opponent, even medium pocket pairs like a pair of 8 will do is now difficult to continue. to justify when you get called, but you have enough outs to at least a further call on the turn, if a bet made before you. Compared with a pair of 8 even if you had an additional 6 outs (3 tens and 3 boys).

Slow Play 

If you have a very strong hand, you may be able to use slow-play to maximize your profits. In slow-play or check-call only, or even because you are sure to have the best hand. They do this to keep as many players in the hand and then to elicit more chips on the turn and river. However, this style of playing involves a certain risk when you give your opponents free cards with which they can overtake you yet. Slow play, should be used only rarely, because you can quickly lose big pots when you are sure. Losing a pot that you would actually have to win is a disaster.

Basically, you should not use slow-play if one of the following conditions applies:

A free card could cause you to be outdated.
It is unlikely that your opponent a free card brings the second-best hand.
It involved a lot of opponents.
The pot is very large.